I'm pretty excited about it. I love to shop and I love to help people so this blog is kind of my dream come true. I will mostly be focusing on fashion from the early 40's to late 50's.Why? Because I'm going with what I know.I don't typically dress from any other era though occasionally I find outfits from the early 60's that I like. I don't visit the 60's often because I don't really enjoy wearing man made fabrics.Don't get me wrong, if its cute Ill probably consider it and depending on the quantity of man made materials in the outfit Id probably buy it,I'm just saying I prefer as little man made materials in my clothing as possible. Call me a snob if you like but if you are a chronic sweater like me? You go organic or risk your entire collection of vintage goods being ruined by huge sweat stains.
Speaking of sweat stains, does anyone know a good EXTRA STRENGTH deodorant? Ive tried all of the drug store brands and am now using Vichy-7-Day-Anti-Perspirant-Treatment
It works...kind of.I mean, I'm no longer sweating bucket fulls of man sweat, and I know that you should sweat a little I just...don't care.I don't want to sweat at all.Id remove my sweat glands if they'd let me.Sweat may be natural but its also totally disgusting and can ruin a period piece.
Mk so I digressed but back to the task at hand. Id like to show you some great pieces that I hand picked for you from FlanneryCrane (The dress above was purchased from her)
and one of my favorite shops JojosRetroandVintage (Where I purchased my new years dress)
Flannery Crane is a simply marvelous place to find period pieces from the 1920's to the 1980's! its super easy to search her shop especially if you are period conscious and do not want to waste time sorting through a bunch of outfits that don't represent the era you love.Joy has great taste, her items are quality and gosh darn it to heck she's just a nice lady. Who doesn't love to buy from nice people?! I know I do.For the purposes of this blog I'm only going to focus on outfits dating from the period I love but if you are looking for alternate era's click on the Flannery Crane link above and start shopping!
The first is a darling little 30's/40's frock, it looks more early 40's to me but Joy is the expert ladies, not me! Take a looksee! Are you drooling yet?

I love to know the stories behind where my clothes have come from. I'm forever going into little vintage shops and asking where they got an outfit or if they know anything about the original owner.Some think its morbid but I love to think that the outfit I'm wearing was worn by someone named Fran who wore it to her first ever cocktail party when she turned 18.I actually did not make up that story, I have a dress with that story behind it. Couldn't find out much about this one but, according to Flannery it was included in a huge wardrobe kept by a couple that never threw anything away. I love pack rats!
And how about this little gem?
This dress makes me think of cocktail parties in the spring, young love and chocolate eaten danitily through satin gloves and matte red lipstick. There was no story so I just made one up for you. Tadow!
These dresses and many more can be found here FlanneryCrane . She's also has a great blog http://www.flanneryfashion.blogspot.com/ and she's on Facebook(look for Flannery Crane)!
The next shop featured is JojosRetroandVintage. Mk, first off Josette is the bomb.So witty and fun and a new Mom! She's got a fledgling shop on Etsy that I just adore! I bought my New Years dress there for a ridiculously good price and I'm already coveting more gems from her boutique! Here are some of my favorite pieces, they are too large for me so I wont be buying them out from under you! I cant promise that no one else will though.
I heart sweater dresses and this one is lipstick red is likely to cause a frightful case of the vapors should you gaze upon it longingly for too long without purchasing. Does J look sexay modeling that dress or what?!
This next one just screams night out at the Seven Grand with your significant other or your girls for a vintage themed girls night out!
These dresses and more can be found JojosRetroandVintage and you'll definitely want to check out her blog for secret coupon codes*hint: go there yo 15% off!!!* and she did tell me she was planning on making her blog a bit more conversational so you will be in for a treat! Jojo's Blog
The next post I will be featuring items from Adelaide Homesewn and (hopefully) Girl Who Wears Glasses. Might also post some vintage hair and musings on vintage living and OTR.
Your VFG
Hello Fairy Godmother_
ReplyDeleteThank you for mentioning my shop, but I have to say this blog is very beautiful, as are you. You've done an excellent job and I look forward to reading more!
Best Wishes!
Awww you! Such a sweetie pants. Just like I said in my blog!